Saturday, January 1, 2011

I need LOVE.. But u dont need ME :(

Im sick and tired..
Really tired..

SO Its a time for me to make a decision practically and not emotionaly..
Let me consider alo of things before its too late..
I dont wana regret in future..
And I wan my life and this new year..

Be a good year to me..
If others is good and happy
Y can't I? Wers my mistake?

Are u really sure that all the fault is just mine?
And nothing in u?
U do always just SEE my faults and mistake..
Sit and think again~


I do know that Its in my hand to decide.
wether Im gonna be HAPPY or SAD in future!

As my mother said..
Let me think again..
Because its my LIFE~

p/s: I need LOVE.. U dont need ME :(

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