Friday, December 25, 2009

10 fainted.♥

nak amik kesempatan nie tok mengucapkan


ave a healthy+wealthy year ahead..
goOd luck in achieving oL ur resOlutions!

Jumpa di tahOwn 2010 kwn2..
arap2 sumer owang d'panjangkan umur
dan d'murahkan rezeki
Allah s.a.w! yg b'hak bukan?

0 fainted.♥

nak ckp pe ar...

x taw lar..
dah dapat noteboOk..
tapi e-net cOnnection plak yg xde..

cOz aq akn belayar slama 3mOnths+..
sO i guez aq x perlukan e-net cOnection..
since den aq t'paksa t'ikat wit de kOntrak 4 1 year and aq akn
t'paksa membayar 4 x using it..!

sO..nOther 6 days tO go..
2jan10..m flyIng..

free BIRD..
ahuk3..hope ma siz dOnt read diz..

i neeD 2 b out toO..
wana get 2 nOe bOut life mOre..
since m gOna face a diff worlf aft diz..

x mOre a schoOl gaL's LIFE..
it changed..

juz upset 4 1 ting..
ma license taking prOject had been pOstponed since m gOna fly..

ahuk3..f 2 take over it beck On apriL after m bek...

i wOuld like tO take diz oppurtunity 2 wish everONE..


Sunday, December 20, 2009

wat do v loOk 4 in guys?

0 fainted.♥

* We look for guys who are cute, funny, good looking, smart and can make us laugh and feel good about ourselves.

* Confidence is the most important key, that you have respect for yourself! You can be dumb, ugly, living with your mom, broke or a simply a complete jerk. but this perhaps is about 80%-95% of what all women look for. everything else is just bonus points

* The ability to take care of themselves. Usually this where money comes to play, but really if he looks like he take care of himself they will think that he has the ability to take care of them.

* A certain physical attraction. He doesn't have to be Johnny Depp. Everyone is attracted to different things but the usually they all cue in a single feature they find unique and sexy. You really don't have to much control over this, so just take care of yourself and be confident in everything you do.

* Confidence, money, and your good looks, your style and body language. It will be easy to pick up girls if you fit in any of those 3 types, but if you are a wacky guy to hang out with, then you are probably dumped, well except for the gold diggers. Girls are irresistable towards me because I just have this face no girl can resist.

* I'm not the best looking kid in my classroom, and neither the fittest one, I'm a bit on the shy side, but the girl which everyone pretty much considered the prettiest and "hottest," once said she'd like to go out with me, since she liked me the most.

* With an exception to a very few good posts, the others are enough to scare any guy off! Yup, I'm a woman and very proud of it! Each woman is so different that it's hard to define this question. There are the gold diggers, smuts, cheaters, sneaks, and the nice girls that you don't have to sweat bullets over!

* The perfect man to me has to be attractive. I define attractive as a man who could have sparkling blue eyes and a great jovial nature, but not a #10. He doesn't have to have the perfect body or the perfect face. I am an independent woman, so if I like him, I really don't care what my friends think as far as his looks. A man that surprises you with even one flower just to say, "I love you." Someone that can make me laugh and laughs with me. Someone that isn't being something they aren't to impress me. I like good down home, honest, "what you see is what you get" type of men. A man that is interesting to talk too, yet realizes I'm bright and have topics I like to talk about and he's interested in what I have to say. A man that is loyal, no game playing and I do like a man that is on the shy side. I find men that are too confident too blasted smooth. I am the type of woman that is extremely out-going and if the guy is shy or having a rough time I make it as easy as possible for him to feel comfortable.

* It's difficult to say what women want in a man, because just like men are all different, so are women. Even personality-wise, some personality characteristics may be attractive to one woman, but irritating to another. Just focus on being yourself, and you'll find a woman who is attracted to you, not just some general, pseudo-you version of yourself that you've concocted to attract female carbon-based units.

* Girls always say and hint to the opposite of what they really want. If we say something and are laughing, we probably mean the opposite. Unless of course we are truly disgusted, and are not smiling at all. That is a huge stop sign. We don't want to say it, but we really do want you to hold us and tell us what you want from us. We definitely want you to make the first move. If you're on a date, and she's laughing most of the time, move closer. If she doesn't back off away from you, try touching her knee. Then move your hand to the thigh, and hold. If you're not getting a negative reaction, its a very good sign. She'll probably be talking (because even when we get what we want, we still get nervous. so we talk.). Listen to her. That way you can leave a comment on what she has to say! Make good eye contact with her. Try moving your head closer to hers, and when there's a break in the conversation, move in for the kiss.

* Nothing is better than a guy who is honest and confident in the way that he speaks. A guy with confidence can take even the dumbest pick up line and make it funny, but if you're nervous and you approach a girl with a pick up line, you might just come off as unoriginal, or a geek. For instance, normally I don't like guys who touch me if I don't know them that well, but if a guy is smooth about it, there's something intriguing about it. If he's shaking or looks really timid, then its very creepy, and a major turn off. Smiling is the key. Even if you're dead serious, say everything you have to say in a playful way. That's the way to flirt and girls love a flirt.

* Respect, a good listener, someone who shows up on time and a few shared interests. Good hygiene is also a bonus. The occasional box of chocolates also goes down well.

* Beyond variances of physical attraction look for friendliness, confidence but not arrogance, shared interests, even temper, a good attitude towards life in general, places concern and interest in family and friends, steadiness in their career and finances, and treats people as they would like to be treated by others. A person can have a good appearance or attractive charm but have an ugly character and it takes time to get to know who an individual truly is.

* Most girls want a guy who is at least somewhat attractive. Not that plain-looking guys never get dates, but it is true that girls are usually more interested in good-looking guys. I do my best to look past the outer appearance and see the guy for who he really is. Girls like guys to be caring and sensitive (not overly so -- more like, you know when to quit doing something we don't like, or you can pick up on how we're feeling, which is easier said than done). Strength (physical and mental/emotional), confidence (but not arrogance -- huge egos are the biggest turn offs for us!), and just a desire to be around us. Never push us or make us compromise about where we'll go physically. We will see you as jerks and get out ASAP.

* Different girls have different tastes. Don't be shy. If a guy likes someone, he should definitely flirt. Be playful. Being flirty is fun, but being flirty with everyone will probably scare a girl away because that may cause problems in the future. Just limit yourself to flirting with the girl you really like and don't be shy about asking a girl out. No risks means no results. Asking her out will show her you have courage and you aren't afraid of showing your feelings. Girls want someone that will always be there for them, so listen to them, give opinions, help them out through hard times. They want to feel beautiful. They want a guy that will always think she is beautiful, even all sweaty in her PE clothes.

* It is nice to have things in common, but having things not in common isn't bad either. It gives you a chance to see different points of view and learn new things.

* Having good looks will definitely catch a girl's eye quicker, but that's not necessarily a good thing. You want a girl to love who you really are, not a girl that is only in love with your looks.

* Being funny is a good thing because everyone loves to have a laugh. Being serious is a good thing, too. So what I mean is a balance of everything is good. No one has a perfect balance, so that's okay. Just look at your best qualities and see how you can use them.

* Take showers, wear cologne and eat gum/mints. Simple to do and very effective.

* I like a guy who makes me feel really special. Always be romantic in the relationship no matter how long you have going out. Show her that you care. Always listen to her when she has problems. Never be judgmental. Go out of your way to make yourself look nice. Try to plan special things that you can do together. If you are really interested in her don't flirt or look at other girls. This could make her think that you do not like her and she will find someone else. Consider her feelings and try to take things slow never move too fast. Last but not least be yourself. This is what makes a girl like you in the first place. You should never try to change to get a girl to like you.

* I live in the United States, and I have noticed something very interesting about girl's tastes through extensive hours of observation and experience. Most of them (especially the snooty ones who frequent trendy clubs) like guys who have dark hair and have at least an olive complexion. (The darker the better, since white apparently seems to be a sign of a person being unhealthy...or at least ugly anyway. I guess darker skin is more camera friendly and it is obvious everyone wants to be in pictures or movies). A blond guy might have a chance as long as his skin is not too pasty white. If you are a blond guy and are pale white you are almost surely doomed unless you get a good suntan or you use Just For Men in your hair too bring yourself "up-to-par" with a normal average guy. Girls also seem to like the guys who have all the right things to say and at the right time. (I presume this a learned behavior from the obsession of television and major motion pictures.) They want a guy who will be the best entertainer and the best looking one at that. Also, women, in general, like guys who dance. So if you don't dance, you drastically narrow down your chances of picking up on a woman. It makes you wonder what would happen in humans evolved having no eyeballs. I'm sure a lot of things would change and at least the superficiality of looks will be eliminated.

* When guys make me laugh. When guys are gentle and romantic. Good looking guys who aren't jerks. Guys who smoke and/or do drugs turn me off as do guys who are full of themselves or really bad chat up lines unless they can make a joke out of it.

* Girls look for guys to be compassionate, caring, understanding, hard working, personable, with a great smile, a good listener, and most of all a great lover.

* Tall, dark, and handsome, but I sometimes swing to blond. They have to be funny and I like confidence, but not someone that is always showing off or arrogant. They have to know how to make us feel good, like actually talk to us and ask loads of questions about us. Also, a six pack is nice!

* Looks count very much! It's the first thing girls look at (at least me and my girlfriends). We wouldn't just go out with any attractive guy, he can't be a jerk or self centered (which most attractive guys are). He does, however, need to have a sense of humor, just someone you can hang with and have a good time with. He does have to have a hot body too! This is just what my girlfriends and I like. If you don't exactly fit this description it's fine. Out there somewhere there's a girl that likes your personality. Just be yourself and eventually someone will like you for who you are. Never, ever pretend to be someone you're not even if it's to impress a girl, in the end she will find out that you lied to her and that would have gotten you nowhere.

* Good looks are like a job resume. Presentation is everything and it gets you in the door. After that, just like at a job, what's lacking can kill and negate good looks.

* It's nice when a guy looks good but what's nicer is when he has a heart, wanting to do the right thing for his girl, never wanting to disappoint her, always sharing his world even when its cloudy, wanting to know what she likes and what she thinks about things and actually taking her advice when it fits the occasion, giving a hug and a smile without her having to ask for one.

* What I look for in a guy is someone that is nice, sweet and a non cheater. I think every girl will agree with me on this one hopefully. It helps that he has money and a car, dresses goth or punk, doesn't do drugs, and doesn't care what their girl looks like.

* It all depends on the individual girl. Sense of humor and a good smile! All women love it when a man smiles (doesn't matter if his teeth are crooked or not! Well, this is my opinion, Sweet. Confidence in themselves (but not to where the guy is and/or appears conceited!), cares and respects the other and themselves, romantic, straightforward, honest, truthful, being themselves (not acting like someone else), Not the play type, faithful, trustworthy and for me a 'Child at Heart' (but, yet knows and takes on the responsibilities of an adult!) and most of all, has a great personality!

* We want someone that is sweet. The kind that brings you flowers for no reason or leaves you a rose in your locker or desk. We really love surprises! We want someone who is caring and kind. If we're sick, we want them to stand by our side, and someone who cares about others and isn't selfish.

* Power and status, or at least the illusion of it. If you look at nature, all of the best women of the species mate with the alpha male - the strongest, biggest one, etc. We haven't come that far out of the jungle, so this could translate into human interactions as confidence (not arrogance) by the male, high status in society or at least in his social circles, and other signs of power and status. Intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, etc., and factor in but a girl is initially attracted to their sense of a guy's power and status. "Power is the greatest aphrodisiac."

* Most girls like a guy who can make her feel protected when she's with them. The way he stands next to her, the way he wraps his arms around her-you feel like nothing in the world can harm you. A guy who is very dependable: you call and it's like he's just been waiting for your call. Sensitive to your needs but not a wimp or a crier. He has a secured job who makes a decent amount of money. Example: He makes enough that if you had to stop working for a while he can support the both of you (even just temporarily)... never having to struggle. Educated, and thoughtful. Try to stay away from being mean, arrogant, loud and rude which are major turnoffs. Unlike men, women prefer a neat, decent romantic man. Looks are nice but not as important.

* Most girls like a guy that doesn't have a huge ego and loves himself. We also like a funny guy who will pay attention to us. I, for one, don't like guys that ask a lot of questions about life (i.e., "What do you think about trust?" or "what do you think about promises?" and "Why do you think we live?").

* Those pick-up lines you see a lot in joke books should only be tried if you are going steady and want to humor her. If you walk up drunk to a girl in a bar, and say, "Are those space pants, because yours is out of this world," she's going to run out.

* Girls will never say outright, in plain English, what she wants in a man. But believe it or not, it is a man that she wants. Let's take the classic one, "I want a man to be protective." Well, to some guys, this can mean being attentive to all her so called needs! This does not mean sending her flowers every day, phoning her all the time, squeezing the life's blood out of her hand whenever you are together. No, it means showing attention to her real needs! That means, taking the lead in everything you do together, being assertive in the process. Understanding that girls can whine about the most stupid things, (she will expect you to be able to differentiate). Ignore the whines, even ridicule them, but as men, we know what the real concerns in life are, so do women by the way, but they want to make sure you do to. Listen to the key things that interest her (music, food, books, holidays, etc.). What does this Broad wax lyrical about? Now, use that information to take this girl on a journey of you're making, but interspersed with her interests, don't overdo it. She will know what you're doing, but done liberally, she will adore you for it. Right, now, classic number two desire, "I want a good conversationalist." This does not mean telling her all about the miserable things that have happened to you in your life. get a counsellor! Sorry about that, but come on guys, why would she want to hear all that stuff? She wants fun. She also doesn't want you to be ramming opinions down her throat either. After all do you like it when someone does this? What's the best conversations that you can remember in your life? Generally they are ones that involved laughter, attentiveness and camaraderie. Some of the best conversations I've had were with guys I met in a bar and clicked with. These same social skills apply to women. I could go on, but I won't... Just one last thing mind. Guys please remember, its OK to date more than one girl at once. Just don't forget to tell them.

* My friend and I like it when a guy talks to us first! Take some control of the relationship. And it's nice to hear compliments. Smart, cute, nice smile (so brush your teeth) deodorant, nice taste in style, no crust around the lips or eyes! Necessities: Carmex, lotion, nice hair, respect, understanding! Good listener. EXCEPTIONS: Money, Gucci and Prada, Bling-blang, you don't have to be rich! Be yourself and give love and attention. Be fun, talkative and interesting.

* Don't worry about the way you look too much. The guys that I've fallen for have definitely not been Ashton Kutcher's, but if you gave me a choice between an absolute hunk and the guy I like now, I'd absolutely go for the latter. Moreover, I've noticed that when a man describes a woman they tend to go for a body description first whereas a woman tends to describe the face. The reason for this, in terms of how I see things, is that I, personally, don't care much about what a guy's body is like as long as there is something there for me to hold onto when I want a hug, so don't worry about that either.

Please, please, if you like a girl, tell her or make it quite obvious, because if a girl thinks you might like her but doesn't know for sure she will obsess over it and over analyze everything you do or say. Listen to what we have to say; don't always try to undermine us. Be yourself but don't be too over the top, i.e.: "you're so beautiful" every two-seconds because that is so off putting. Act cool, but let them know you're thinking about them. You know, the odd text message just to say, "Hi, I missed talking to you". Oh, and be prepared to give lots of hugs!

* Girls have absolutely no idea how hard it is for a guy to approach a girl no matter what the circumstances are! It is very hard to be confident when you are nervous and you girls have no idea what kind of power you have over guys. If some guy asks you out (and you don't want to go out with him) tell him 'nicely!' Girls can break a guy's heart in so many different ways it would take a week to read it! Guys notice everything girls do when they ask them out so one negative 'sign' or word and a guy is crushed (even though our egos prevent us from showing it!)

* Face it, my brothers, girls always go for the best looking guys that they can get. And that is fine with me. I just wish that someone would have told me that five years ago. For a while, I was having this illusion that girls wanted a guys with a good personality (being nice to them, funny, confident, good listener, etc...) My experiences and observations have proved that that is far from being true. All the girls that broke up with me all said I am a gentleman and wish me well. I always open doors, paying for dates/dinners. I brought flowers and chocolates. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't swear and treat everyone with respect. My friends, my teachers, and almost everyone I came in contact with often tell me that I have a good sense of humor. I am not shy, I can strike up a conversation with anyone at any place. I got a degree in computer science, and am getting my masters in business. I am a chess champion national and state wide (I don't tell the girls I date about this since I don't want to be arrogant). I don't have six packs but I can skate, swim and play hockey up until 1 in the morning. I have confident in myself and in everything I do. So with all that said, why did I get dumped? It's simple: I did not have the look! I am physically fit, but only 5'8 tall. My face is plain as white paper and I did not spend much time on my hair. I did not spend much time shopping for clothes/shoes either. Since the last time I got dumped I have it figured out. I pay more attention to my hair cut. I consult with my friends before I go shopping and sometimes, even take them with me. I start to wear different cologne for different days and occasion. Whitening my teeth and keep them as clean as possible and boys, what a difference it makes! Girls now strike up a conversation with me first (yep, I could not believe it). Not just any girls, I am talking about the 8s, 9s, and 10s who probably would walk by the "old" me without realizing I was there. Again, I don't want to sound arrogant, but I am dating 3 different girls right now (I am kind of tired, so I may cut it down to two). Deep down inside, I am still me with the same personality, but the new appearance has given me a chance to show it. Call me shallow or whatever you want, but looks is the most important thing to girls. No matter how good an item is, you cannot sell it without a good packaging.

* If I showed you some of the guys I've fallen for...well, LOL, they don't exactly match my "perfect guy". Just be yourself and don't make them feel too special. Hold it back a bit because we kind of like a challenge and it feels more special if we get a compliment only once in a while instead of every five seconds.

* I totally agree with holding it back a bit and cut back on the compliments! Too much of that just make the guy seem too desperate or annoying. About the looks, when I said, "Girls go for the best looking guy they can find.", I did not mean the guy has to look like James Bond. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I am below average in the look department, but by paying more attention to my looks, I am able to look my best. I know there are girls out there that could not care less about looks, but they are a rare species! I am seeing a girl like that right now.

* There really is no right or wrong answer. You should ask that question to the girl you're interested in.

* I have pretty much figured out the top things women look for. I've been in different relationships and studied others and seen what makes them tick. Here is what girls want (And I mean sweet ones who make womankind shine for how beautiful they are, not self-centered ones.) Looks: The guy has to be unique; somebody who stands out. He doesn't have to be able to lift 500 pounds or have a smile so bright it blinds people, but they want a guy who cares enough about his appearance to make him stick out. So in with the jeans, casual pants and out with the sports clothes and gangster angle. To women looking like a gangster and are hiding several guns in your shirt is a huge turn off. So guys if you are like me with a common appearance to many others than change it! See every possible angle you can take your hair, I know most guys dread this, but bite the bullet and shop; not just walk in, pick something out, and leave. Stay at the store for an hour or so trying on complete sets of clothing combinations and see what works. (Trust me it will be worth the effort at the party the next night.) Oh and I know I am going to break a few hearts here but if you have glasses lose them! Get contacts or get more stylish glasses at least for parties. Contacts are expensive but if you only use them to the party and then you ask a girl out and she says yes and you show up the next day with glasses and they shoot you down then it is their loss for being so shallow. They will never find a guy who can make them feel good just ones who make them look good. So chin up! Just look the best you can and upgrade every characteristic to show you take care of your appearance. But the following looks are bad. Any clothes from 'that 70s show' and anything that looks like a jersey. Confidence: Don't approach her acting like you are scared she is going to hit you. If you are shaky grab a small drink (it doesn't have to be alcohol) just one that makes you feel a little better when you drink it. (For me it's Pepsi) Then weigh out all the options. I am no professor, and I still get nervous whenever I go to ask the odd girl out, but what you have to do is just sit there and weigh out all the options: What is the worst that could happen? She says no? Then what have I really lost? Now I just go looking for the next opportunity, easy as that. For all you nervous guys out there not acting wimpy or nerdy and wounded as you walk away if she says no. Just say something sweet like 'Well it was nice meeting you and I hope you have a great time.' That shows that you are not so prideful and that you are genuine and that makes you look confident afterwards and remember what it's all about ... confidence. So go looking for that next girl. You might even see her again when she comes looking for you, but do not shag! Don't just talk about yourself. Women hate men who talk too much. Men love women who like nothing more than to talk to them and ask their opinion. They just don't like it when all that talk is criticism. Positive Attitude: You have got to be a fun loving guy. Would you really want to be with somebody who is down all the time. Don't be high maintenance. Even if she asks, 'So what is new with you,' Stop and think first. If all that is new is bad or boring say, "Well it's been tough but it will get better." Then ask about her. Sense of humor: This means smile, joke, flirt and be able to laugh at yourself. If you expect to be able to joke and sometimes at her expense then you'd better not be so prideful when she takes a cute little shot back. A PLAN: Girls don't want to get attached to a guy who has no basic plan in life. Even if it's 'I dropped out of school but I'm working hard and saving my money?' That shows a huge deal of humility and responsibility. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Act better … more polite and more fun, but with all of your principles must stay the same. Deep down you still have to be yourself.

* A guy with great confidence and someone that makes you laugh. In terms of appearance, I personally don't feel looks is a major thing, well not for me anyway.

* A genuine lover. Someone who is genuinely interested in them and who will be kind caring interesting to be around.

* Guys with nice hair. A good laugh. Someone who is not too cocky and is nice too.

* I'm a full-grown attractive woman that has nicely tip-toed around the block several times and have dated many men. For those of you that think money is the answer trouble comes to those with it just as much as those without it. I do agree with some of the males especially the one that made a good point of girls having control over men and also not making it easy for a guy to ask a girl out he is correct even though there is a small percentage of young women that don't make it hard on the guy. My advice for this is "plow through the garbage and you'll come up with that diamond!" Sorry to say men, but you created your own monster, and it's back-fired in your faces. Men always wanted attractive women, so women work hard at trying to be attractive. When was the last time one of you looked at a cute to plain woman, or a slightly heavier woman? Men are just as at fault for these things and you don't make it all that easy for some of those less that perfect #10 gals out there. Women hurt just as much as men when rejected. Most men look in all the wrong places for good women. One poster said it in a nut shell "snobby girls in night clubs" and my answer, 'Then why go there? It's a place of booze, drugs, and you aren't really going to see the real person in this environment.' What about that cute girl in one of your classes or at a party that you hardly noticed? Give it a shot and you may find there is a lot more to love than looks! Size of a penis has nothing to do with it for most of us. A good sense of humor, the feeling of being loved, loyalty, honesty, fun to be with, able to communicate and realize that indeed a woman does have a brain, so both should be on the same intellectual level if possible. Once men realize that women are not put on this earth for their sole enjoyment the better attitude you will have and the more success you will have in a relationship. It's all about respect! I will admit that what I have seen out there with some younger women is enough to make a young man go bald, and a woman's g-string flip up to her forehead. I am, in most cases thoroughly disgusted with these young so-called mature young woman leading the line in what women are all about. It appears that in some groups of young women they go out of their way to be as repulsive as they can (misunderstanding that is not independence, but plain disgusting) with their bad language, the way they treat other women, men, and more importantly the low self esteem they have for themselves. These are not girls nice guys bring home to mother. I've seen young women bare their breasts for no apparent reason than the fact they can and do it and is a game, and not taken seriously and hopping from bed-to-bed with a quick "squeak between the sheets" is like playing a pinball machine and seeing if you may hit it lucky. Not once have these so-called girls ever thought of the sexually transmitted diseases out there such as AIDS, HIV, Hep C, Herpes. Life is but a thrill for these types of so-called young ladies, and it will come to an end. For most, their life is sealed because they lose their looks early, leave such a trail of battered bodies behind them that trust is no longer a part of them as a person and, as I always say, 'The head of the snake will turn around and bite you on the butt' which simply means, what you sow you shall reap. Not much! So guys, stand up and fly right. Stop going to cheap clubs (doesn't matter how many bouncing lights, glitter and free drugs there are) or hanging out at bars and start looking for those gals that are shy, perhaps quiet, or fun-loving, cute, a little more meat on their bones and realize that is what life is really about. Time to put the toys away if you really want to get into real life and a real good relationship. Think of it, what right does ANY woman have to use and abuse a man and vice-versa? None! If you treat a woman right 9 chances out of 10 (providing you are looking in all the right places) you'll find that girl you're looking for. Meanwhile, forget some of the garbage about money, large penis' and good looks. Doesn't compute and never did!

* What I look for in a guy would be how funny and nice he is.

* Each girl has different tastes! Some girls go for looks, some go for personality. Personally I'll go for personality. Specifically, how nice they are, how they treat others, and someone who will not turn their back on me. If you really want to know what your girl go's for you'll have to ask her or maybe her friends will have some idea too.

* I like a guy who makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the room, he's interested in what I do, he has an inner confidence, he sort of has to have a little bad boy streak but still be caring, and would look after me. He should make me feel good about myself but also have his own interests and passions and goals. He should be able to hold an intelligent conversation, be open minded and funny. He doesn't need to be classically good looking but he most definitely needs appeal, like I can't resist him and he can't resist.

* I'm a guy, and I guess I kind of care about what girls want or else I wouldn't be here...but in my opinion some of these girls that I see around have gotten some attention and exposure because they are selling something that we're buying and that's materialism and ignorance. If guys control themselves and show a little integrity and dignity these girls would not have any saying in this. We absolutely make girls the way they are we let our low self-control take over our thoughts and personality and by doing that we're indirectly telling them that you can sell your body and since we're weak we will buy it which gives them incentive to do it again. I had to go through a couple of relationships to realize that and at 22 I read girls like the back of my hand and no I'm not a jerk...I just really miss the genuine, classy, cute confident girl not the try hard who puts down others to bring herself up. I would never date a girl who thinks that she should get into a relationship with a guy so that all her dreams can come true like one of these posts; a girl that can't stand on her own two feet and is declaring what she wants from a guy needs a reality check and I'm not gonna be the one to do that, life will give her the right reality check. The only reason why I'm writing this is because there should be a topic about what guys want in girls and I'm sure I'm talking on behalf of the majority of the guys when I say we are not getting at all what we want in girls; why all the attention? How do you expect to get what you want from a guy if you can't even write a normal sentence and your opinion can be viewed from a mile away as ignorant, and useless? So go fix yourselves and then have blind optimism! This excludes the classy, beautiful women who are reading this .... you know who you are!

* I am a 24 year old confident good looking guy who has a good heart and a good personality. I read over all the postings and I think some of it is great advice for guys. I don't have much trouble carrying on a good conversation with women of any age. My problem is that I have been rejected many times and don't really fully understand why, I can't help but wonder if there is something wrong with me that I don't know about. Most of the situations I've felt rejected in the girl sporadically changes how she talks/acts around me and immediately finds another guy and gets into a relationship with him. It always sends me for a loop because I felt an obvious connection between us, which others (friends) had even commented on. I figured I would post this problem on here because I find it hard to accept that, if personality, humor, and looks all play a big part in what girls look for in guys because they always seem to run away from me and leave me scratching my head like a monkey.

* TO THE POSTER ABOVE ... You have done nothing wrong, you're just looking in all the wrong places. Here are some tips from an older gal (with many young female friends so I know what they think of guys): Nice and polite is a wonderful trait, but don't over do it. Silence is golden! Sometimes it's better to be on the quiet side at certain times and let 'chatty Cathy' ramble on. The reason for this is you can by what she talks about if she is vein, not confidence in herself or back stabs her friends. Run! Dare to be mysterious! This means not telling all about yourself. Give her bits and pieces about yourself until you know the relationship is going somewhere. Don't contact her constantly. Go out on a date and if she seems to have enjoyed herself and you have to, then tell her you will call her up for another date. You can wait a week or so before doing so. If you ask a girl out and are rejected (we've all had to experience that once or twice in our life) then smile and say 'Well it's been nice.' Walk away and walk tall! After all, who is this person? Just a young woman and there are more fish in the sea. Realize in your mind and heart that sometimes it appears that you may not be having much luck with women, but there are two things going on here: #1 Some girl is admiring you from afar and you probably don't even realize it and #2 we all go down some long roads for a reason ... to find that special someone. Don't change what you expect in a girl as long as you give those same good traits back to her. She's out there, so hang on for the ride of your life.

* Why do boys say "why are you wearing so much make-up?" and I'm just like well "why are you wearing so much deodorant and hair gel?" A girl wears make-up not just for boys, but to feel good about themselves and its a girlie fun thing when friends are around, and I think boys shouldn't be trying to come out with witty offensive comments all the time as it's just showing how much of a jerk he is. Not all girls want Jordon sized boobs I have biggish breasts for my age, but I really wish I had smaller breasts and boys always judge girls about everything, when we do something e.g: have giggle fits or compare breast sizes boys always think it is to impress them, but when I have giggle fits and compare breast sizes it's because its having a laugh with friends and boys shouldn't take things so seriously. I think good looks are important in a guy; who wants to do it with someone ugly any way. The only way an ugly(or OK) boy can also impress a girl is if they are a good friend and have a funny or good personality, but this is only my point of view because all women are so different!

* Well, that's a broad and controversial question. They've made college courses regarding the psychology of women. However, i'm not going to pretend like I'm going to have any experience whatsoever, cause I don't. I'm only in the 9th grade. However, please don't take this lightly, took me a while to think of it. But It would first have to depend on the girl you like. Is she the type who looks at the guy's appearance first, or looks at his personality first? Personally, you'd be very lucky to have someone look at your personality. (just an opinion) Almost all of the posts above are true actually, even though it took me a while to read all of them. Doesn't those posts that talks about you being a kind, compassionate, caring person, will get you the girl of your dreams; makes your stomach all warm and fuzzy? Don't those posts that talk about the cruelty of this world, the reality that looks count, make you feel that everybody is shallow? Well listen up, i'm only going to say it once, and one time only, Love is not a formula, and life just goes on and the world keeps spinning round and round. Meaning you just gotta work it out the best way that you can. You'll never know if you don't try might seem like an overused line but it's true. If you got a girl you like, approach her slowly (I don't mean it literary), and once you think she might say yes, ask her. All in all, just do what you gotta do, live your life the best way that you can, and romance will come.

* Well I like this one guy. He's Christian and he's cute. When I take his hat he chases me and he's really sweet, but the girl who's right for you would like you for who you are. So don't try to be something you're not, that's not what he does. He's just himself. That's the main thing.

* Looks are important, but not everything. Guys who are too full of themselves are just annoying. Smart guys are nice, and so is a sense of humour. Girls like to have things in common with the guy of interest, just so they at least have something to talk about. BE YOURSELF is probably the best advice I can give you!

* a girl wants a guy to be funny, smart, sensitive, and attractive. (attractive takes a lot of explaining.)

* She just wants to be included in everything you do.

* This may not go for all the girls, but it does go for me. Some girls might say that they do not look for good looking guys, but that is not necessarily true. He doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous, but... he can't be UGLY. Also, intelligence is definitely sexy in a guy. Athleticism is another good trait. A guy has to be funny, no boring guys. Playing hard to get, DOES get a girls attention. "Bad boys" to some girls, are very attractive. Height is one of the things most girls look for in a guy. And a guy with style. Of course, that is only some of the things some girls look for in a guy. Other girls' opinions are totally different from this. But this is what some girls look for in a guy.

* well, they usually look at your smile or your eyes....some others like your personality....some girls look for different things so you never really know just ask them what they look for just don't drop any hints that you like 'em

* well ones with good personality. all guys that have good looks aren't necessarily good so pick the best!!!!!

* i love a guy who is super sweet, but is aggressive. Speaks his mind and can take it when i speak my own. Smart too. Bad boy/nerd/jock/loner it don't matter looks will attract me to you but personality in the end is most important because that's what makes you stay.

* Just be yourself, and if she likes you great, if not there is no point in trying to be someone else just to be liked. It's absurd to even think about giving or getting suggestions about how to be liked or loved. I have read the other posts and I agree with lots of them, but then again, girls will be girls, and even if you tick all the boxes it might still not be enough. I recommend watching Chris Rock on youtube about love and relationships, hilarious but true.

* It's all about looks, who they hang out with, and personality.

* Six Packs
* Clever
* Popular
* Rich
* Funny
* Generous
* Good Looking
* Interesting
* Confident
* Not Too Serious
* Loyal
* Independent

* Be yourself! Be confident! The last thing we want is someone who barely talks and looks away when you look at him.

sO many tings had happen!

0 fainted.♥
dah lama kan..
aq x pOst?

tengah bz sikit nie..
harap2 blOg kesayangan aq nie akan bersabar..
utk tuan nyer kembaLi..

tOl2 x tym skarang nie..
tOptOp baru aq..

nama nyer Acer Aspire 4736Z!
warna biru..

pixs cuming soOn..

thankx 2 ma siz n mum who bOught diz 4me..
thankx alOt...
m loOking 4ward 4 2010!

thankx 2 2009..
many hapy+sad memOries
alOt of lOss n gains..
miz mOst of de preciOus moment in ma LIFE..

hOpe everytng goes goOd after diz..

bye2 2009..
cum2 2010...!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SPM lagi 3 minggu...~

1 fainted.♥
aq geram ar..
cOz x taw nak update aper..
sumer-nyer in pending..
gambar2 pOwn byklagi x uplOad..
sabar lar..
ttgu SPM aq abes..
aq layan blOg nie..
faceboOk sumer siang malam..
sabar2 yer...
gudluck4 maself..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

aq masih perlukan dier dalam idOp aq..

0 fainted.♥

wahai hati..
mengapa engkau degiL..

mengapa engkau x mengerti yg dier bukan milik engkau lagi?
adkah aq di alam nyata..

aq seperti x percaya..
yg dier bukan kepunyaan aq lagi..
apa salah aq..
adakah aq ditakdir-kan supaya x gembira?
aper salah aq?

aq-kah yg minta dilahir-kan sebegini?
sejujur- nYa..
aq masih amat menyayngi SI DIA..
peneman dikala sepi aq..

aq mempunyai ramai kawan2 sekarng..
tetapi aq x miliki kegembiraan n kepuasan sepertimana kami bersama dulu..

aq sayangkan dier..
sayangkan perhubungan kami..

lebih2 lagi aq syg-kan ibu n anak buah dier..
yg x pernah aq bersua muka..
tetapi rindu peneman jiwa..

aper salah aq?
aper dOsa aq?
perlukah aq pergi ke pangkuan-nya semula?
sedangkan aq memang x leh idOp tanpa dier?

sudi-kah dier menerima diri nie..?
sanggup-kah dier?
aq akui mmg dier pernah sakit-kan ati nie..
aq pernah nangis bermalaman kerana sikap-nya..

tapi tue sumer x pernah sesekali melunturkan perasaan aq terhadap-nyer..
cuma aq bOsan..
aq bOsan dengan sikap-nya yg seprti x mengambil berat ttg diri aq..

aq sedar aq x patut mengharap-kan lebih2 dari-nya..
tapi aq manusia biasa yg mempunyai hati n perasaan..

aq syg-kan dier..
aq x pernah rasa keseorangan sejak dier hadir dalam idOp aq..
aq x rasa sepi setelah ranjit..
n sumer anak2 aq di anbu ilam meninggal dunia akibat kebakaran...

aq sedih..
tapi x keseOrangan..
kerana dier bersama aq tym2 tue..
dimanakah dier sekarang??

adakah dier masih meningati diri nie..?
pernah kah dier mengingati memOri2 indah kami..

sudah ampir hari anniversary kami..

CINTA amat menyakit-kan..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

aq windu...

0 fainted.♥

aku merindui seseorang..
sungguh aku rindukan dia..

i noe it's just a normal feelingwhen we are a part

(or separated.or.broke up?)
from sumone who used to steal our heart..
who used to love us from his HEART
oh hati, tabahlah..
oh hati, kuatlah..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri~

2 fainted.♥

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
buat kengkawan priya...
teman2 rapat..
kenalan2 priya..
cikgu2 yg pernah mengajar priya..

n sumer umat islam di Bumi Allah nie..

Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri bersama
orang2 yg tersyang...
Hati2 maser drive lik kampung...
Ingat lar orang yg tersayang...

klau leh..kirim2 ar kuih raya ker..
duit raya ker..


Monday, September 14, 2009

Sambutan Hari Jadi ibu kesayangan aq..13sept09!

1 fainted.♥
sambung lagi cerita 13sept nie..
ari nie bufday ibu tercinta aq..
Pn.Vejaya Velu..
ataw nama samran nyer Thanavali..

lepaz lik dari shOping ngan aunty..
ngan jari2 kaki yg ampir teputuz tue..
sempat aq buat suprise tOk mak..

Syukur Alhamdulilah..
sumer nyer berjln seperti yg aq rancang..

tanksz kat siz..
cOz bawak mum kuar..
tOk bagi aq peluang buat suprise party..
tepat jam 11.30pm..
lagi half-an hOur nak abiz bufday mak..
kami pOtong kek..

buatan aq taw..
aq buat sehari sblum bufday mak..
li brag2 n buat kat umah aunty..
cakap kat mak siz dinah ajar physiz..

sOwie ma..
dah byk2 perkara priya hide dari ma sejak bercinta..
kiter yg begitu rapat sblm tue telah berpisah kerana byk perkara..
maaf-kan priya yer ma.
priya syg ma..
seperti kata ma..
mmg dier bukan lelaki yg sesuai ngan priya..

yg berlalu biar-kan yer..
priya akn pastikan dpt keputuzan yg cemerlang dalam
SPM n buktikan pada ma yg anak ma nie bOleh berjaya..

aq siap beli nasi beriani n kari daging kat
restOran Paandi'z
berdekatan Stevenz Corner..

aq panaskan n hidang..
ttp lampu..
aq n abg tggu dlm gelap ampai ma masOk..
terkjt dier tgk kami..
n kek yg dah siap ader candle..

bila dier taw kek tue buatan aq..
lagi dier happy..

bahagia aq tengOk senyuman dier..
n lagat dier cam budak2 tym nak pOtong kek tue..
Ma..priya tol2 syg ma sgt2..

nie ar mak aq..
syg ma..

nasi beriani..
sedap2..tapi aq x makan nasi2 nie..
alwiz nasi putih!

kari kambing..
aq lik2 jer teruz panaskan..
mak kater sedap..

nie ar family aunty..
siz dinah,aunty,ma n deph!

nie aunty..
suap2 menyuap after cut cake..

nie abg aq..
dier lupa pakai baju..

nie plak siz aq..
dier penat sebenar nyer..
amik gambO x tunjk muka pOwn..isk2..

nie ibu..
tym nak potng cake..
dier senym2 jer..
cam budak2 nak pOtng cake 1st tym..

nie plak gamba cake tue..
aq buat..
lapisan dia..vanila..cream chOco n kek kizmiz..
sedap..hingga menjilat jari..
abeh dah kek tue..~

shOping RAYA...huhuhu~ 13sept09

0 fainted.♥
aq cerita sal 'shOping shiping' aq dulu okie..

alkisah-Nya sebegini..
sedang2 aq enak2 menikmati sarapan pagi aq..
[rOti gardenier n milO]

aunty dtg melawat aq..
dier yg sedang2 marah2 ngan aq..terasa ati nak datang jumpa aq lepaz taw aq lepaz undergO

Appendix operation..huhuhuh~
[x nak cerita sal tue skarang..bier ia Okie pOst ngan gamba skali..huhu~]
dier mengajak aq gi shopping kat Pandan Kapital jer..
kat2 ngan umah kiter owang..

aq pOwn bersedia ar..
kami naek baz metrO..
kami pergi ber-lima..

dinah siz

lepas turun kat depan Pandan Kapital..
kami lintaz n masOk dlm..
pas2 kami pegi cuci gambar 21st bufday dinah siz..
amOi tue kater sekeping rm0.40..

n tOtal up is cOzt kami rm55.50..
bayangkan lar braper byg cambar lagaknyer kami cuci..

hehex..pas2 lintas jalan kuar n gi Mid Point..
sempat kami tangkap gambar..
tapi pix tue kat hp dinah siz..

kami sumer berbaju hitam n ber-jeans biru.. kumpulan taw..
'Ladiez in Black'

kami teruz gi makan Chicken Rice..
sumer smakin lapar..
lepas tue..
masOk kedai rm2..

aq li bedak sejuk..
pas2 masOk mid pOint lik..
gi DEES n cari dress tOk dephne..
cOz ader perkahwinan cOming soOn dlm family mereka..

lepas beli dress..
gi masOk super mart The stOre n usha2 baju..
aq li sepasang baju n Jeans...

dah lama aq nak li baru..
x berkesempatan lOr..
ia berharga rm40 sumer nyer

aq gembira cOz badan aq semakin susut..
weight aq skarang nie 50 jer..
n aq dah tinggi cikit..
dari 157 naek 162..

n saiz pinggang aq tym beli jeans amat memeranjat-kan..
dari saiz XXL teruz saiz L..
bangga aq...
skarang saiz pinggang aq hanya lar 29..

bangga siOt..
akhir nyer aq berjaya kureng-kan badan aq seperti dulu..
walau pOwn x sampai target dulu..
dulu tym slim2 tue ukuran pinggan aq hanya 26-27..

aq bahagia ngan sumer yg sedang berlaku disekeliling aq skarang..
aq percaya sumer yg terjadi ader hikmah disebalik nyer..

dah2..lik pada cerita aq..
asyik nak merepek jer..
[naseb baek aq x melalut panjng2 lagi]

heehx..kutk diri sendiri..

lepas tue gi li benda2 dalam..
paham2 lar yer..
aq li ataz n bawah skali..
huhu..sesekali x salah kan?

warna-warni taw..hahax..dah2 cukup2..
ia plak cOzt aq rm23 kesemua-nyer..
kami sumer ar beli..
cam bOrong..
tym nak bayar kat kOunter tue..
sumer pandg2 kami semacam..
lantak ar kn..
duit kiter owang...

mcm2 kami mkn sambil jalan2..
telur herba..seowang2..
pas2 rOti li kat bakery..
byk jeniz kiter owang li n share2 ar..
pas2 yOgurt..juz epal..
kenyang kami...

sO jalan ar lik..x jauh pOwn..
pas2 kami lik umah dalam kOl 9pm..
pegi plak dalam kOl 10am..

huhu...kami pusing2 kat citu jer..
masOk 1 by 1 shOp..
heehx..sumer amOi2 kat situ mesti dah kenal2 kami..

pas2 singgah kat kedai mamak kegemaran kami..
aq order nasi gOreng..
deph pOwn..

anty ngan dinah order mage gOreng..
lepas mkn2kami lik..
tym dah jejak kaki kat umah tue..
cam nak terputuz jari2 kaki aq..

esOk xam plak tue..
kwakwakwak... :P
aq sempat amik gambO..~

nie baju yg aq li..

nie plak suar jeanz nyer..
[pasangan gitu]

nie drez yg deph li..
drez : rm79.90
shawl : rm10.00
kasut : rm29.90
aksesOari dispOnser oleh aq!

nie antara baju yg dier try..
sama jer ngan yg dier li..
cuma beza warna..

nie lak kasturi..
cOuzin deph..
dier form 2 jer..14 tahOwn..
cantek kan?
jgn usha2 taw..
[dah berpunya]

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lelaki2 yg HADIR dalam idOp aq...~

0 fainted.♥
aq seriOusly x taw nak tuliz aper..
tapi ader ar benda nak share2 kat sini..
lagi pOwn sayer kn dah xde saper2..
terpaksa lar...luah-kan kat sini..


lepas aq change status aq kat faceboOk..frenster n tagged..
ader ar beberapa mamat nie prOpose..
yg lawak nyer..
sumer nie kwn2 aq taw..

x angin..x ribut..
cam tunggu jer..
ish..ish...[x baek buruk sangka kn]

mereka ader lar..

~RuishbOi@ Sha-C
~BpbOyz@ Nagendran

ader lagi 4 yg aq x leh sebut2 namer..
nanti prOb2..

pening aq taw..

1# yg pertama kenal dari Sun Music Chat..
dah dekat2 dua tahOwn aq kenal guy nie..
dier ader ar prOpose tym mula2 kenal dulu..
aq kater ar..
x minat cOz nak blajar dulu..pas2 aq dah ader bf baru..n dier pOwn dah ader gf..
kire lOst cOntact ader ar kdg2 dier msj2 aq..
akibat terlalu bz..x sempat nak reply...
sO bila taw aq SINGLE..cik abg nie nak try2..walaupOwn dah ader gf...
dier kata sgp tingalkn gf tue..azab2..x nak aq buat dOsa..
aq dah jelaskan kat dier sumer nyer..

2# yg nie kenal tym aq budak2 lagi..maser f2 kOwt..14 tahOwn..
nie kira kwn yg baru2 aq dapat ar dari online..
lama jugak aq kenal dier..
dulu aq suka ngan dier taw..sbb ntah..budak2 kn..AFFECTION ar kire..
tapi dier nie jenis kaki BZ taw..
susah sgt nak jumpa dier..
n ader skali tue kami atur date pertama kat Pesta Buku PWTC..
alih2 dier x turn up..
aq tunggu cm owang bOdoh n balik..
akibt terlalu marah..
aq tnglakn dier teruz n change no hp aq..
hilang cOntact teruz..rupa nyer lepas tue mamat nie ader cari2 aq..
last2 jumpa aq kat frenster lik..
tp malang nyer aq dah ader bf kan..
sO dia x nak kacaw ar..
dia fOlow up aq secara senyap..
biler taw a dah break-up..
cpt2 BUZZ aq n kami tgh cOntact lik skarng nie..
kata NYER dia masih cintakan aq..
n x de gal laen yg hadir dlm idOp dier lepas aq..[leh caya ker nie]
kire okie ar mamat nie..
tapi skarang x leh decide aper2..byk cOmitment..

3# seterus nyer..bpbOyz@ Nagendran..nie kwn dari Sun Music Chat jugak..
dier ader cOl aq smalam..spt biaser tanya2 khabar..
n tanya pasal bf ckp ar dah break..
dier gelak..n kata aq maen2..ader ker owang main2 hal2 cam nie..
pas2 dier taw ar aq nangiz ar kat dier jap..
sedih n windu kOwt..
dier tOlong pujuk aq...n aq TERMALU sendiri ar..
cOz menagz kat dier kn..ish3..terOk2..
pas2..dier buat ar aq pOwn cam budak2 yg disOgok ngn gula2..
ketawa berdekah2..
n sbelum letak hp dier tanya..klau i ckp I lOVe u..awak buat pe..
aq senyap ar..tiber2 dier kata I love ingat dier maain2..
pas2 dier kata ar..
dier suka ngan aq sejak dulu..
walau pOwn dier taw aq dah ader bf sejak awal pertemuaan..
dier kata perasaan tue x leh ditOlak..
tapi dier diamkan jer ar..n dier kata..
dier mmg syg kat aq sgt2..walau pOwn dier x ber-pelajaran sgt..
dier kata dier leh berkerja keras tOk bahagaiakn aq..
Naluri Ke-wanitaan aq tersentuh...
che..uweek..[sila muntah jauh2 n cuci sendiri]
ape2 masih x ready..

4# Sugumaran..Kalaiarasan..n Malaipasupathy nie aq x kenal sgt2..dari faceboOk ar..
dier owang mmg ader prOpose n hantar kata2 cinta dulu..
aq suruh dier owng check stauz aq..n aq tolak dier owang..
skarang mereka dtg smula menagih cinta.. cOincident nyer..ketiga2 mereka adalah ENGINEERS..
sOwang netwOk eng..electrical eng..n sOwang lagi civil eng...

5# Michael..Mcsaran n ChakrayOgi nie..penyanyi2 vOkal kumplan malaysia..
tp laen2 kenal ngan mereka dulu tym bz2 ngan shOw n krew astro tym nak berlakOn muve 'Marumalarchi' ngan Ben-G..sO dier owng nie dari dulu sampai skrg x henti2..send msj cinta..cam2 ar..skarang cam owang mengantk disorngkn bantal ar..smakin khusyuk mereka menyesak-kan idOp aq...

Ya Allah..yg aq x paham nie..
dier owang nie cam x faham bahasa taw..xcept bpbOyz n Ravindran..
mereka ber-2 nie jerk yg x fOrce2 aq..n bagi aq buat keputusan..
yg laen2 nie..

yg merunsgkan aq ialah..
aq nie nak kata cantik..x cantik pOwn..[cute jer kOwt (0_+)
gemuk plak tue..

adakah lelaki2 zaman skarang nie dah x de taste..
byk2 lagi bunga2 kat luar tue yg maseh fresh n x dinOda lagi..
aq nie bunga yg dah x manis..telah dijelajahi oleh kumbang jantan..
apsal mereka masih x faham...

kOnfiuz2 aq.. :(

alaHai...lepas1 prOb 1 lagi dtg n tunggu kat Q..
biler aq aq leh free... ??

Friday, September 4, 2009

aq akan terbang ke RUSSIA bulan disember nie.. :)

2 fainted.♥
aq nak terbang ke Russia..
awal bulan Disember nanti...
ader TaekwandO tOurnament..
anjuran batch aq..
kire sumer pemain2 lam grOup nie dari seluruh negara akn berjumpa di sana nanti..
aq gi 6 owang..
4 pemain n 2 cOach..
aq sOrang jer india..
laen sumer cina..
2 gals..2 bOys..
cOach aq 2 pOwn lelaki..
balik bulan mac..
tym bufday aq pOwn..
aq dah x de kat cini...
mesti windu kat sumer Owang..
hhmm... :(
tapi aq gembira ar..
dpt tukar angin..dpt kawan2 baru..
n yg besh skali dpt siar2 kat Russia...
VISA dah aprOve..
tingal nak gi cOllect jer..
papai MALAYSIA..
[adakah nie terlalu awal?]
hwahwaha... :P

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hari Yang Indah..bersamer teman...~

0 fainted.♥

aq terasa mau jerit...
hehex... :)
bOleh kah?
[silar jgn nak buat muka bOsan disini yer]
suka ati saya lar..blOg sayer
saya ade kuar ngan sOwang fwen nie..
ari isnin..31st august...
tOl2 aq cakap..ati aq terpaut pada dier..
dier pandai tOl buat lawak..
pas2 siap tampar2 aq lagi plak tue..
sbenarnyer aq yg TER-tampar dier dulu..
dier senyap2 jer..buat2 nangiz lak buat DUN NOE jer lar..
pas2 tym nak belah tue..
dier tampar aq..
[x sakit ar-saja2]
rupanyer CIK ABG nie balaz dendam ar kire..
hehex...pas2 aq buat2 muka nak nangiz..
dier plak[cuba pujuk ar kOnOn-nyer] cyg2 aq..
dier sentuh2 n elus2 pipi aq yg mOngel nie..
kOnOnyer ar..
pas2..ader tym tue..kami tengah bOrak2..
dier terckp sumting..
aq buat ar muka sumbing kan..
dier kata..
'Cute lar awak nie'...
ish2..berdegup2 ati aq tym tue...
dah lar xde Owang kat tempat tue...
malu aq..naseb baek cOlour kulit aq nie itam maniz..
klau x messti nampak muka aq yg tukar jadi skin PINK..
kami sempat tngkap gambar sama2...
n dier belikan aq lOlipOp..
aq yg mintak tym2 tengah msj2 ngan dier sblum jumpa..
ader ke patut..
dier suruh aq amik jari dier n buat lOlipOp..
ingat kan dier x li..
rupa2 nyer tym nak berpisah tue baru dier bagi..
dier nak bagi aq 3 taw...
aq dgn raser belas kasihan[arap2 dier x baca nie]
hanya amik 1..n yg laen bagi BELIAU smula..
bufday dier cumn oktober nie..
aq nak bagi adiah dier xnak..
aq buat kad jer lar..
handmade..arap2 dier suka..
hOpe dpt jumpa dier lagi..tOk bagi kaD lar..
[ye ker..nak jumpa dier?]
x de ar..nak bai kad jer... :P
dier merupakan antara lelaki2 hebat yg aq jumpa dalam idOp aq..
arap2 persahabatan kami kekal sepanjang HAYAT kami berdua..
lupa plak..
namer dier...
Edmund Raj..
22 tahOwn..
tengah stdy kat U..
cOz aper ntah..dier ader ckp aq luper..
tapi pasal kereta ar..
n dier SINGLE..
[siler jgn mengurat BELIAU yer]
kampOng dier kat Ipoh,Perak..
aq kenal ngan dier menerusi Tagged..
1st tym jumpa di Puduraya..
x arange pOwn..msj2 tiber taw dier kat pOwn tym tue kat citu..
ape lagi..terus jumpa..
n 2nd arange lak..
dier pulang dari kamp ke U..
jumpa kat PUDURAYA gak..
aq sayang persahabatan nie n

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Award dari Siz Rai yg cOmel...~!

0 fainted.♥
1)copy award untuk diletakkan di blog anda
-sudah dipaste!

2) nyatakan 6 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini
-sayer suka blOg siz rai
-coz dier cam tuliz diary harian kat blOg tue
-kadang2 menu siz menjadi makanan saya n family
-hmm...kak rai memang cOmel..
-muka bulat n rambut cam mangkuk terbalik..
sebijik cam CHIBI MARUKO CHAN!
-hmm..seowang yg baek hati,klakar!
3)nyatakan 9 fakta tentang diri anda sendiri
-nak beli laptOp sendiri
-nak amik lesen kereta n beli satu kereta kecik sbelum priya amik RESULT SPM tahun depan
-nak balas jasa2 mum n siblings yg x ternilai
-nak idOp bahagia ngan bie priya
-nak amik cOz yg priya idam2 kan..
-btOl2 ingin menjadi seOwang DOKTOR
Dr.Priya Yogeswaran
besh kan? nama sayer n bie sayer!
nak build klinik taw hOs sendiri n berkhidmat secara percuma tOk owang yg betul2 memerlukan
-nak bahagia-kan keluarga priya n mentua priya yg merupakan seperti ibu sayer sendiri
-saya nak abizkan pendidikan sayer sehingga PhD sebelOm saye cecah usia 50 tahOwn!
4) pilih 10 penerima award seterusnye dan describe tentang mereka10 orang yang tengah baca benda nie.. kamu la!!! tengok sape lagi?? kamu la yang tengah baca kan... hik2... jangan marah...

aq di-TAG buat kali ke-DUA...[bahagia nyeer]

0 fainted.♥

1- Copy Award Diatas Untuk Diletakkan Di Blog Andaok..
dah paste...
2-Nyatakan 5 Fakta Menarik Tentang Si Pemberi Award Ini
-owang nyer cOmel!
-cute n bakal DOktor!
-dah ade buat ati pengarang jantung..hwahwa!
-suka bagi menu masakan yg sedap2 n senang2!
-bagi pandangan priya..KAK RAI seowang yg 'Happy Go Lucky'!
3-Setiap Blogger Mestilah Menyatakan 10 Fakta diri sendiri Sebelum Memilih Penerima Award
-saya Priya Mahalakshmi!
-pelajar tingkatan LIMA di sebuah skOlah kerajaan..kwakwa!
-sangat berminat tOk menjadi DOKTOR!
-sudah mempunyai 'Kekasih Hati'!
-sangat menyayangi ibu,adik-bradik,kawan n ma DARLING!
-kwn2 rapat priya..alice,theva,leOn,seelan,prem n harrish!
-saya sayang sumer owang kat dunia nie
-hmm..sayer plajar aliran Sains Tulen
-saya seOwang yg lemah..cikit ar..Tabah ar gak..but sOmtimez kan..
senang mengalah n 'Ratu Air Mata Sedunia..!'
4-Anda Perlu Memilih 10 Penerima Award Seterusnya..
saper2 yg bacer..
plez2 yer..
buat taw..
jangan tipu..

Monday, August 10, 2009

tag dari mila cOmel~!

0 fainted.♥

Are you in a relationship with anyone?
- yeah!

What's annoying you right now?
- harrish dOg here!

Do you have a certain someone who you can go to when things aren't so good?
- yeah.HIM!

Would you take your last ex back?
- nOpe.i LOVE HIM nOw!

What can always put you in a good mood?
- HIM n mUsic!

Who was the last person to make you cry?
- Mm.nOt necezsarY ayte?

Do you have a best friend?
- yeah!

What is something you need to go shopping for?
- clOthez!

How are you currently feeling?
- nO iDea!

Do you like your mobile phone?
- yeah.of cOz!

Do you always answer your phone?
- dependz.but alwiz if HIM!

Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
- yeah! LEON!

Is there a difference between love and in love?
- yeah.a great BIG diference!

Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot?
- im in wif HIM nOW!

Do you miss the way things used to be?
- yeah.i mized ma past!

Did you sleep alone last night?
- yeah!

Who did you last say 'I love you' to?
- HIM!

Have you lost friends in the past three years?
- yeah.but cOz of a blady BITCH..i lOst mOst of dem!

What's something you can't wait for?
- ma SPM n meeting HIM!

Ever stayed up all night on the phone?
- yeah..till de early mOrning!

What would you do if you found out your last ex was in a relationship?
- nOting.fel hapy 4 HIM!

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
- yeah! LOVE!

Do you like your life right now?
- yeah.much mOre happier n calm!

Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
- HIM!

What's more important to you, good grades or having fun?
- goOd gradez!

Ever snuck out of your house?
- nOpe!

Have you kissed the last person who texted you?
- nOpe!

Do you think there is someone thinking about you right now?
- maybe yez!

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
- nOpe.lOVE HIM!

How many people do you have feelings for?
- One!

Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
- nO til nOw!

Will you kiss anyone tonight?
- x sure!

Where's your favorite boy?
- at HIZ campuz!

What do you think of the first person on your top?
- cutie pie!

Do you believe what comes around goes around?
- yeah.tatz wat sum BITCHZ gOin trOugh nOw!

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
- yeah.once!

What are you listening to?
- harrish chating wif HIZ fren in phOne! :P

Did you ever lose a best friend?
- yeah.recently.she passed away.R.I.P ALICE!

Where will you be two hours from now?
- in ma HOuz watchng SERIAL!

What's your current mood?
- happy+mizing sum1?

What are you doing tomorrow?
- gOin 2 atend a meeting in kajang cOnvent skoOl!

Whose bed did you sleep in last?
- On it nOw!

Whose bedroom were you in last?
- harrish!

Are you happy about anything?
- almOst everyting!

What do you think about your hair right now?
- need a new hairstle?

Have you ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a B?
- nOpe!

Last time you kissed or hugged someone?
- 2day mOrning!

What's something you really want right now?
- HIM!
The people you gonna tag?
-Siz Naddy
-Puan Bunga
-Doc Rai

tag dari shasha...~!

0 fainted.♥

x nak pOst..
buat tagging jer..
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
- in the buz..on de way 2 harish'z hOuz!

Who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
- HIM!

Last restaurant you went to?
- light cafe..wif MUM!

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- HIM!

Did you have an exciting last weekend?
- yeah..was ALL day OUT wif family!

Have you ever crawled through a window?
- neva tried yet..lOlx!

Where were you at 1AM sunday morning?
- iN ma roOm.sleepin!

Is there a secret you've never told your parents?
- yeah!

Do you like yourself?
- mOst!

Have you ever dyed your hair?
- nOpe!

Are you wearing a necklace?
- nOpe!

Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?
- HIM!

Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
- yeah!

Are you an emotional person?
- yeah!ask HIM! :P

What's something that can always make you feel better?
- HIM n mUsic!

Did your parents spoil you as a child?
- nOpe i guez!

How's your heart lately?
- wat Q iz diz? great!

Are you a cuddler?
- yeah!

Will this weekend be a good one?
- hOpefully..mizin HIM!

What do you want right now?
- c HIM n ma wish ma trialz can be pOstpOned!

Who can always cheer you up?
- HIM n everyOne!

Who hugged you last?
- partibUrn!

What is your relationship status?
- taken by de BEST!

Look behind you, what do you see?
- wall..:P!

How many rooms does your house have?
- 3!

Have you ever worked in a food place?
- nOpe!

Whats on your schedule for tomorrow?
- as uzual.skOol n studiez!

The last song you heard?
- pliz dOnt stOp de mUsic!

What do you think of love?
- it makez ma LIFE beautiful!

Do you eat junk food everyday?
- nOpe!

Do you think that you’re a good person?
- x sure!

Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
- nOpe!

When is the last time you took a nap?
- hmm.few hOurz agO!

Last movie you watched in theater?
- terminatOr salvatiOn!
The person you wants to tag?
-Puan Bunga
-Kak rai [sweet vanilla]

blOg aq berwajah baru~!

0 fainted.♥
akhir nyer..
termakbul gak dOa n hajat aq tOk upgrade blOg nie..

terima kaseh kepader mama-template tOk template nie..
n sumer2 yg terlibat secara langsung n x langsung..~!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cinta Hello Kitty....

2 fainted.♥
Mengapa kau membutakan telingaku
Mengapa engkau membutakan hatiku
Sehinggaku tak peduli
Semua insan berbintiku
Hinggaku sanggup melarikan diri
Tinggalkan ibu ayah dan Hello Kitty
Bersamamu ku temui
Yang kukenal sehari
Ku tahu ibu ayah terguris hati
Siang dan malam gelisahkan aku
Hello Kitty tolong aku
Katakan aku ok...
Esok aku merai hari jadiku
Air mata berlinang dipipiku
Hello Kitty tolong aku
Tiupkan lilin yang buta ini
Setelah kepalsuan mencelikkanku
Setelah penyesalan menginsafkanku
Hello Kitty tolong aku
Aku mahu pulang...
[ulang semula]

im listening 2 diz..juz lOve de music..:P

2 fainted.♥
Ari Lasso feat..& Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Dan Dirimu

tiba saatnya kita saling bicara
tentang perasaan yang kian menyiksa
tentang rindu yang menggebu
tentang cinta yang tak terungkap
sudah terlalu lama kita berdiam
tenggelam dalam gelisah yang tak teredam
memenuhi mimpi-mimpimu malam kita
duhai cintaku, sayangku, lepaskanlah
perasaanmu, rindumu, seluruh cintam
udan kini hanya ada aku dan dirimu
sesaat di keabadian
jika sang waktu bisa kita hentikan
dan segala mimpi-mimpi jadi kenyataan
meleburkan semua batas
antara kau dan aku.. kita