Facebook. Lol ! its just a social network, but for me, It had played a major part in my life since I activated it. I remember, the person who introduced me to it, past 2 or 3 years ago, told me that Im gonna dislike FB because its not colourful. Maybe since I love to customize my Friendster acc with colourful stuff, it made him to think that way.
But I did really love it. I falled in love with my FB account. Almost everyday I log in to FB to update status and comment on others stuffs. Sometimes,I'll visit FB few times a day. It was listed in my basic needs before. But,now..
I have DEACTIVATED it ! Yes I did ! To my close friends, they might got a heart-attack with my statement. But, yes I did ! Finally. Without hesitance,regrets or what so ever. Im out from the FB world and healed fully from the addiction period. Yeah, I might loose many of my good friends and my old school and classmates. But I dont find any better reasons to spend it with the wrong peoples there.
The main cause of me deactivating it was the problems that is constantly occuring in my relationships and life. 80% out of 100% problems in my relationship are caused by the FB. Either its on a third person act or myself. So, I decided to reduce the friction in my relationship and took this as a major changes that can make my relationship better. One of the step on raising myself up !
So, officially announcing. I'm a girl without FB =)
p/s : hope it made u HAPPY darling !
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A note for Priya !
Rise up high for a life. A better living. They dont respect you now because u have nothing. They make u feel like u're not tittled to live. So,go on with ur life. Come up,raise urself. Be someone. And prove that they are worng. People who are afraid to introuduce u as 'wat it should be'. Will realise and come after you for one day. For ur money maybe. So go on Priya ! Raise up and live ur life.
The pain and tears that are flowing now,will come to an end one day. One beautiful day. Make urself to be someone. Ignore people who dont appreciate you. No point cyring and waste ur life nor ur tears for people who dont worth it.
Remember,a person who worth ur tears will never make u cry. i hold on it. People who simply make me and happy seeing me cry is not the right one for mys life. The End.
.crapped togetha.
Journey of Life,
From ME to YOU =)
Dear you,
I do not know who are you, or where or when we will meet, but hope it is soon. I pray that when we meet and fall in love, you will love me, for me, not hope for someone who thinner and prettier. I hope you won’t compare me to girls who may have brighter smiles. I hope that you will make me laugh, take care of me if I get sick and be trustworthy
I hope you will remember that I prefer roses to daisies and that my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know that my eyes aren’t blue, they’re brown flecks of navy. Please know that I might be too shy to kiss you first, but please don’t afraid to kiss me. I won’t slap you or push you away. I’m sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date, please don’t stress about where to take me; what’s important is that I’ll be with you.
If I cry, please know it isn’t because of you, just hold me close and I’ll heal quickly. And if it is because of you, I’ll heal just the same. And if we decided to break up, please understand that I may be bitter, but I’d like to be your friend if you’ll let me. I promise to remember that you have feelings too, even though you’ll never admit it, and when you are ready we’ll have a friendship.
Please tell me if anything I do bother you, or if something just doesn’t sit right. I would like you to always be honest with me. If I have a bad day, I hope you will shower me with confidence and smile. I hope you don’t think that I’m asking too much of you. I hope you understand that I’m a little bit nervous and very scared. I wish I could tell you how or when we will meet and if we will be in love forever. Every relationship is a new game of cards and…. (sigh)… I’ve never been good at cards. But I will try my best to be kind and love you dearly for all that you are, without expecting too much from you. Thanks for listening; this is all that I ask..
I do not know who are you, or where or when we will meet, but hope it is soon. I pray that when we meet and fall in love, you will love me, for me, not hope for someone who thinner and prettier. I hope you won’t compare me to girls who may have brighter smiles. I hope that you will make me laugh, take care of me if I get sick and be trustworthy
I hope you will remember that I prefer roses to daisies and that my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know that my eyes aren’t blue, they’re brown flecks of navy. Please know that I might be too shy to kiss you first, but please don’t afraid to kiss me. I won’t slap you or push you away. I’m sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date, please don’t stress about where to take me; what’s important is that I’ll be with you.
If I cry, please know it isn’t because of you, just hold me close and I’ll heal quickly. And if it is because of you, I’ll heal just the same. And if we decided to break up, please understand that I may be bitter, but I’d like to be your friend if you’ll let me. I promise to remember that you have feelings too, even though you’ll never admit it, and when you are ready we’ll have a friendship.
Please tell me if anything I do bother you, or if something just doesn’t sit right. I would like you to always be honest with me. If I have a bad day, I hope you will shower me with confidence and smile. I hope you don’t think that I’m asking too much of you. I hope you understand that I’m a little bit nervous and very scared. I wish I could tell you how or when we will meet and if we will be in love forever. Every relationship is a new game of cards and…. (sigh)… I’ve never been good at cards. But I will try my best to be kind and love you dearly for all that you are, without expecting too much from you. Thanks for listening; this is all that I ask..
.crapped togetha.
Journey of Life,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Its my Birthday =)
Today is 26th of February. It means,tomorrow is my birthday !
Looking forward to celebrate it with my special ones. And Im with a new style now. Some changes can bring me to reality that the memories are over.
I overslept today. And Im loaded with 5 assignments which needs my attention at the very moments. And Im stil on my birthday mood! Haiz :)
p/s: 'U'll neva change' Thanks !
p/s: 'U'll neva change' Thanks !
.crapped togetha.
Journey of Life,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Exhausted. Okie tat wil be the right word to say how I feel now. Im freaking lonely in my lifepath. Im happy woth everything tat I own now altough tey are somethings that unsatisfy me. But I have to agree with the nature,that not everyone's life is perfect. Im planning to start my class back on coming Monday,14 February ;) Which is seriously just another Monday to ME! Im happy with my decision.
Altough its like kinda hurtimng sometimes, But Im still Happy with my decision. I guess Its the right time for me to decide what I want n dont in my life. I've done alot of mistakes in my life. Things that I cant correct somehow. So,I guess this decision,the particular ONE,Im right! Lets be more practical and live on rather then weeping on the past and waste time for nothing.
I have my own lil room now,with new curtains,shelf,wardrobe and a study table. Im happy as I had decorated my room with my own desires and my own savings. Thats the best among all. Its a great satisfaction when we do something with our own money ;)
Im looking forward to go to college on coming Monday and spent some good time with my friends n no letting behind 'to catch up wif my studies'!
p/s: Lately,mood for blogging is like ----- ! Got it uh? :P
.crapped togetha.
Journey of Life,
Monday, February 7, 2011
Wasted Sperms !
This article relates only about love and relationship between a couple. Not love towards other things and so on.
People say that dealing with relationship is a tough job. Everybody wants to be in a relationship but nobody is willing to take the risk more than once. Hardly anyone is willing to sail a new ship again, after they’ve once got cheated and their ship sank under the iceberg of sperms.
Well, talking about it is not easy either. Some people just need another partner to make her happy; some people might hate the opposite sex entirely and would try to live their live without the presence of the opposite sex.
Why are you getting cheated in the name of love? Let’s talk equally from both gender point of view this time. Let’s not be gender biased because it seems both the parties are getting cheated all the time. However, I personally believe girls are the one mostly getting cheated in the name of a relationship.
But then, rather than talking about how and why you got fucked up in a relationship; which I’ve done multiple times, shouldn’t we focus on something aftermath the incident? Like what do you do in case you got cheated?
Ladies and gentleman, put aside your sentiments and listen to this.
1. Number 1 rule after getting cheated or when your partner dumps you is do not; I repeat; DO NOT post up lame comments or pathetic lines in any social networking sites. Like what you young sluts do by posting up sad pick up lines all over Facebook so that people would come sympathizing over the tragedy happened to you. I bet 99% of them would be guys who are just waiting to use up your pussy next. Don’t believe me? Test it out yourself, put up ‘I hate love’ shout out, and the next minute you would see 10 comments following up, with all the guys hanging their dick outside their pants just waiting to bury you in the name of another relationship.
Of course, everyone needs a person whom they can talk to. Well, I would strongly suggest do not befriend a guy at that moment, any new one especially; because physiologically you’re down and most of you fall into another relationship in no time because it makes you forget about the past. Give no exception; even I might not be any different.
2. Forget about all the things you’ve bought for your partner, and forget about all the fucks you’ve done for her. Enough of all the sentiments thinking about her and wasting your life drinking beer and smoking up weed. It’s not going to help. If you want to drink, drink for any other million reasons except for girls, that’s fucking lame and pathetic.
If that Kamachi left you for another guy, stop taking revenge and calling up her number or passing her number to other guys so that they can fuck her on behalf of you. If you feel happy doing that, think again. You’re clearly showing to the other guys that you’re not capable of doing anything to her (which also suggests that you’re ‘weak’), thus you’re passing the number to your friends. Isn’t it?
3. If you love to meet new people and think that would help up to forget things, then do it. However, do not upon up your pants for any dick that is roaming around whenever you’re socializing. Try limiting your circle of friends, and avoid meeting up with other couples. It only adds up to your trauma. Try solo backpacking, explore new things, or take up any job that keeps you always busy.
4. Rise immediately and think that you’re not the only one in this world that had failed in a relationship. In fact, billions of others had. What makes you any different from others? I’ve known girls who said that they’ve so many problems in life thus they’re not able to come up in life. When I interrogate them for detail, all they could come up with is love failure. Is that so many problems ay? Why the fuck do you have so much sentiment for a guy who had used you up at the age of 20? What is the point of thinking about the guy every single day and putting your life and people around you in a miserable end?
Plus, do not resort to stupid things such as suicide and so on.
Sentiments are good in life, but when you show it overwhelmingly, it’s a major disaster. Relationship is a risk. Do not expect whoever you’re sleeping with now is going to be the same one marrying you. Things can and will change in a second. If you’re not willing to take the risk of failure, then do not even think about relationship. Listen up to your parents and get married whenever/whoever they want you to.
5. Love is not something that is permanent (in most cases). With so much going on in life, allow yourself only a little of that. Be professional in a relationship. Do not go all over sucking the guy’s ball and licking the girl’s pussy like below.
“baby, i love u da chelem, alagi kutty,pandi kuttti, mayire matte kotte all”
People who use this above liners are the one always getting cheated in a relationship. And no need to use the Titanic level romantic line all la macha….
6. This is a simple one and had been repeated so many times. Do you know that there is always another pussy in the sea? That you can always find another one, provided the time works out for you? Well, as simple as that. Ah, do not come up to me and tell not all the girls and guys are the same to the one you loved. Of course not, at least expect the one coming to you next sticks with you rather than ditching you.
You live only once, why waste so much sentiment on love alone ay? What is the point of getting mental torture about all this anyway? What is the point of getting other’s miserable and get worried about you anyway? What are you trying to prove over your failure to secure a relationship? What can you do over a failed relationship? What can you answer for all the previous questions?
Enough of wasting your precious moments thinking about how many guys had fucked you up or how many girls had used up your money. Cherish the past as a lesson in life, live the present as the gift of God, target your future to achieve your dreams.
Rise, my dear friends, burn your sentiments and live your life!
People say that dealing with relationship is a tough job. Everybody wants to be in a relationship but nobody is willing to take the risk more than once. Hardly anyone is willing to sail a new ship again, after they’ve once got cheated and their ship sank under the iceberg of sperms.
Well, talking about it is not easy either. Some people just need another partner to make her happy; some people might hate the opposite sex entirely and would try to live their live without the presence of the opposite sex.
Why are you getting cheated in the name of love? Let’s talk equally from both gender point of view this time. Let’s not be gender biased because it seems both the parties are getting cheated all the time. However, I personally believe girls are the one mostly getting cheated in the name of a relationship.
But then, rather than talking about how and why you got fucked up in a relationship; which I’ve done multiple times, shouldn’t we focus on something aftermath the incident? Like what do you do in case you got cheated?
Ladies and gentleman, put aside your sentiments and listen to this.
1. Number 1 rule after getting cheated or when your partner dumps you is do not; I repeat; DO NOT post up lame comments or pathetic lines in any social networking sites. Like what you young sluts do by posting up sad pick up lines all over Facebook so that people would come sympathizing over the tragedy happened to you. I bet 99% of them would be guys who are just waiting to use up your pussy next. Don’t believe me? Test it out yourself, put up ‘I hate love’ shout out, and the next minute you would see 10 comments following up, with all the guys hanging their dick outside their pants just waiting to bury you in the name of another relationship.
Of course, everyone needs a person whom they can talk to. Well, I would strongly suggest do not befriend a guy at that moment, any new one especially; because physiologically you’re down and most of you fall into another relationship in no time because it makes you forget about the past. Give no exception; even I might not be any different.
2. Forget about all the things you’ve bought for your partner, and forget about all the fucks you’ve done for her. Enough of all the sentiments thinking about her and wasting your life drinking beer and smoking up weed. It’s not going to help. If you want to drink, drink for any other million reasons except for girls, that’s fucking lame and pathetic.
If that Kamachi left you for another guy, stop taking revenge and calling up her number or passing her number to other guys so that they can fuck her on behalf of you. If you feel happy doing that, think again. You’re clearly showing to the other guys that you’re not capable of doing anything to her (which also suggests that you’re ‘weak’), thus you’re passing the number to your friends. Isn’t it?
3. If you love to meet new people and think that would help up to forget things, then do it. However, do not upon up your pants for any dick that is roaming around whenever you’re socializing. Try limiting your circle of friends, and avoid meeting up with other couples. It only adds up to your trauma. Try solo backpacking, explore new things, or take up any job that keeps you always busy.
4. Rise immediately and think that you’re not the only one in this world that had failed in a relationship. In fact, billions of others had. What makes you any different from others? I’ve known girls who said that they’ve so many problems in life thus they’re not able to come up in life. When I interrogate them for detail, all they could come up with is love failure. Is that so many problems ay? Why the fuck do you have so much sentiment for a guy who had used you up at the age of 20? What is the point of thinking about the guy every single day and putting your life and people around you in a miserable end?
Plus, do not resort to stupid things such as suicide and so on.
Sentiments are good in life, but when you show it overwhelmingly, it’s a major disaster. Relationship is a risk. Do not expect whoever you’re sleeping with now is going to be the same one marrying you. Things can and will change in a second. If you’re not willing to take the risk of failure, then do not even think about relationship. Listen up to your parents and get married whenever/whoever they want you to.
5. Love is not something that is permanent (in most cases). With so much going on in life, allow yourself only a little of that. Be professional in a relationship. Do not go all over sucking the guy’s ball and licking the girl’s pussy like below.
“baby, i love u da chelem, alagi kutty,pandi kuttti, mayire matte kotte all”
People who use this above liners are the one always getting cheated in a relationship. And no need to use the Titanic level romantic line all la macha….
6. This is a simple one and had been repeated so many times. Do you know that there is always another pussy in the sea? That you can always find another one, provided the time works out for you? Well, as simple as that. Ah, do not come up to me and tell not all the girls and guys are the same to the one you loved. Of course not, at least expect the one coming to you next sticks with you rather than ditching you.
You live only once, why waste so much sentiment on love alone ay? What is the point of getting mental torture about all this anyway? What is the point of getting other’s miserable and get worried about you anyway? What are you trying to prove over your failure to secure a relationship? What can you do over a failed relationship? What can you answer for all the previous questions?
Enough of wasting your precious moments thinking about how many guys had fucked you up or how many girls had used up your money. Cherish the past as a lesson in life, live the present as the gift of God, target your future to achieve your dreams.
Rise, my dear friends, burn your sentiments and live your life!
.crapped togetha.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of today.
At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is having friends.
At age 16 success is having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is having sex.
At age 35 success is having money.
At age 50 success is having money.
At age 60 success is having sex.
At age 70 success is having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is having friends still alive
At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of today.
At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is having friends.
At age 16 success is having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is having sex.
At age 35 success is having money.
At age 50 success is having money.
At age 60 success is having sex.
At age 70 success is having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is having friends still alive
At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.
.crapped togetha.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Nightmare is kinda over.
I really wanted to blog for the past few days. But the idea to blog is just not there. Im afraid of saying something out that will atlast make me to weep. Yes,I was in pain. Terible pain that I'll neva ever forget in my lifetime. A nightmare it was to me and my family especially my mother. I sensed her love and care to the max during the times. 2 surgeries I went trough. I myself still on doubt on how strong was I undergoing the pains. But I believe it really makes me stronger.
Now Im kinda 'cacat' without my coccyx bone. Which means Im lack of two bones which make me to be abnormal from normal humans who'll be with 206 bones. Haha. Im imperfect now. As i always do. This time physically.
Im not into real blogging mood yet. Will be back soon to continue my writtings. Especially on my experience being in the operation teater for the first time. Im bed-rested till 13th February. I don't wana extend my holidays,hope I'll b able to walk by then. :)
Now Im kinda 'cacat' without my coccyx bone. Which means Im lack of two bones which make me to be abnormal from normal humans who'll be with 206 bones. Haha. Im imperfect now. As i always do. This time physically.
Im not into real blogging mood yet. Will be back soon to continue my writtings. Especially on my experience being in the operation teater for the first time. Im bed-rested till 13th February. I don't wana extend my holidays,hope I'll b able to walk by then. :)
.crapped togetha.
Journey of Life,
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